Changing Child Support And Alimony
As a New Jersey family law attorney in these tough economic times I am often asked two related questions: one, can I have my support obligation modified?; and two, if so what do I need to do to have my support obligation modified?
The short answer to the modification question is yes; both statute (N.J.S.A. 2A:34-23) and case law (Lepis v. Lepis 83 N.J. 139 (1980) allow for modification of an existing support obligation. In the Lepis case, the New Jersey Supreme Court said that support agreements are always subject to modification upon a showing of changed circumstances. It is the moving party’s responsibility to show changed circumstances warranting a modification of an existing support order.
Whether or not a party has demonstrated changed circumstances derives from a comparison of the parties’ economic life during the marriage with the present economic conditions. However, it is important to note that courts have consistently rejected requests for modification based upon circumstances that are only temporary in nature. Call 732-201-3888 to tell us about your modification needs.
The Second Question — What Do I Need To Do To Have My Support Obligation Modified? — Is Much Harder To Answer
First you should not file a motion seeking modification of a support obligation prematurely. If your change of circumstances is the loss of employment and you are receiving unemployment benefits, most courts will not modify your support obligation, as your unemployment is not considered a permanent change of circumstances.
There are certain things that must be done in preparation for filing a modification motion. You must compile all documents that will accompany your motion as exhibits. These documents must include your case information statement from the time of the initial support order, as this document must be included in your filing pursuant to the court’s Rules. You must also prepare a current case information statement. These documents will allow the court to compare your current financial condition to that which existed at the time of the initial order.
If you are seeking modification of an existing support order because you have lost a job you must be able to demonstrate to the court that the loss of that job has affected your ability to earn income at your previous level. This is necessary because the court determines your support obligation based upon your ability to earn not based upon your actual earnings.
Therefore, before filing a motion to modify you should conduct an extensive job search. This serves two purposes: first, it may lead to a job that will allow you to meet your support obligation; and, second, it will demonstrate to the court that no job exists that will allow you to meet your support obligation. Documentation showing your job search should include proof that you have forwarded your resume to prospective employers; proof that your resume was received by the prospective employers, if same exists; proof of all interviews that you attended; and, proof of any follow-up you did with each prospective employer.
If after your initial job search you are unable to find a job earning income at your previous level, you should then attempt to find a job at a lower income level; and, if successful in that job search you should accept the new employment. This will demonstrate to the court your new earning ability.
Once you have compiled all of the necessary documents you are ready to file your motion for modification. In the certification in support of your modification motion, you will then explain to the court your changed circumstances and how they make it impossible to meet your current support obligation.
In reviewing your modification motion, the court must go through a two stage process. First, the court must determine if you have made a prima facie showing of changed circumstances. If the court determines that you have made a showing of changed circumstances, it will then order an exchange of financial information. This information exchange is necessary because up to this point the court has seen no financial information for the supported spouse.
After the court reviews the financial information from the supported spouse, it can either modify your support obligation or schedule a plenary hearing (trial) to determine how much you can afford to pay and how much the supported spouse can accept. In making this determination the court must attempt to keep each party as close to the standard of living enjoyed during the course of the marriage while at the same time acknowledging that the changed circumstances in your case will not allow either party to maintain that standard of living.
Contact the attorneys at Wernik & Salvatore to discuss your options.